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Database update: 02-19 8:28    Events no.: 356 (270 in Eng.)

International Fair EXPO KATOWICE (formerly: International Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy KATOWICE)

Organiser (contact):
EXPO Katowice S.A.
al. Korfantego 51/46, 40-160 Katowice
32 353 70 24

Event's official website:
Opening hours:
Katowice, plac Sławika i Antalla 1, Międzynarodowe Centrum Kongresowe
Subjects covered:
  • MINING: Mining automatics and electronics equipment; Mining tools; Offer of the mining scientific and technological solutions and designing the industrial plants for coal processing; Machinery and equipment for first working and auxiliary works; Machinery and equipment for mechanical coal processing; Wall complexes and mining linings; Combine complexes; Machinery used for brown coal exploitation; Machinery and equipment for ore and minerals mining; Drilling machinery and rings; Pumps, compressors and fans; Offers of mining industry building and erecting enterprises; Hydraulic equipment; Crane equipment; Measuring and control equipment; Chemical coal processing; Belt conveyors, hoses, v-belts; Environmental protection equipment; Bearings, lubrication equipment and lubricants; Equipment for road and railway works; Driving equipment - electric motors and generators; Air-condition equipment; Industrial chemistry products for mining and underground structures; Work safety; Others
  • ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING: Electrical and thermal energy generating equipment - boilers, turbines, generators for electric power stations; Distribution equipment for medium, high and highest voltage (switching stations, transformer stations); Power transmission equipment - medium, high and highest voltage power transmission overhead and cable lines with fittings; Automatics and electronics for electrical equipment; Measuring and control equipment for power engineering (counters, timers, indicating meters); Offer of scientific and technological solutions in the field of electrical power engineering and complete power stations, design, know-how; Environmental protection equipment; Equipment for thermal power materials; Insulation equipment and materials; New technologies for renewing energy; Work safety; Others
  • METALLURGY WITH PRODUCTS AND RAW MATERIALS: Metallurgical and foundry machines and equipment; Machinery and equipment for ore enrichment; Equipment for steelworks; Equipment for rolling mills; Products of powder metallurgy; Extruded and drawn goods from non-ferrous metals and their alloys; Cast iron, steel and non-ferrous metal pipes; Rolled steel; Forging; Iron, steel and non-ferrous metal pipes; Raw steel; Raw material for iron and non-ferrous metal metallurgical engineering; Valves, gate valves, flanges; Production of fireproof materials; Hydraulic equipment and appliances; Laboratory apparatus; Lubricants; Know-how, design and scientific offer in the metallurgy; Environmental protection; Work safety; Others
  • Metallurgy
  • Mining & Geology
  • Power industry
Area netto:
Price for 1m2:
Exhibitors quantity:
Visitors quantity:

(previous edition data)
35 000m2
139/ 69 Euro
28 000
Other information:
Frequency - every two years
How to drive:

Accommodation in the area:
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